Let us save your metal roof

Metal Roof Coatings


Do you have an old, rusty, metal roof that you need to replace? Or maybe you own a newer metal roof that never stops leaking? Stop! Before you break the bank to replace that metal roof, call Preferred Roofing to see how we can help. Most of the time we can save your metal roof – and your money. 

Our roof coatings can restore your rusty metal roof and extend its life, keeping you from having to replace it. We can also put your problem leaks to bed. Our fabric-reinforced system makes your roof stronger and more resistant to leaks. We also seal every single screw head before the coating is applied. This eliminates any opportunity for water to penetrate your roof. 

Our coatings will lower roof-surface temperatures by 30-35 percent and decrease the amount of heat transferred into the building’s interior. Building owners see a reduction in cooling costs after this system is applied.

Benefits of a Metal Roof Coating

• Prevents leaks

• Extends the life of your roof

• Warranties

• Easy installation, no interruptions in your business operation

• Energy and money savings

• Tax benefits

• More affordable than replacement

Every metal roof is different. Call us today so we can come give you a free estimate and discuss the best solution for your particular building.


  1. Surface Preparation: We power wash the entire surface and remove any loose trash or debris to prepare the roof.

  2. Primer: If rust is present, we will prime those locations before the coating is applied. This helps with adhesion and ensures you get the best roof possible.

  3. Caulking: All fasteners are caulked with a urethane caulking for waterproofing and security.

  4. Seams: All seams are waterproofed with a durable fabric that is embedded in an elastomeric base coat that will keep the seam tight and waterproof, even with the expansion and contraction of metal buildings.

  5. Top Coat: This is when it all comes together. We apply a white, reflective top coat for absolute waterproofing and reflectivity. This system carries a UL Class A fire rating and the standard white color is Energy Star-rated.


Call today for a free quote.